CDS Exam Solved Papers - 2013- I Paper II: General English

CDS Exam Solved Papers - 2013- I Paper II: General English


Directions (Qs. 1 to 12) : In the following two passages, at certain points you are given a choice of three words in a bracket, one of which fits the meaning of the passage. Choose the best word from each bracket. Mark the letter, viz., A, B or C, relations to this word on your Answer-sheet.

Examples Y and Z have been solved for you.

Y. The ______ was in the school in Shimla.

A. boy
B. horse
C. dog

Z. _______ was homesick.

A. She
B. It
C. He

Explanation : Out of the list given in item Y, only boy is the correct answer because usually a boy, and not a horse or a dog, attends school. So A is to be marked on the Answer-sheet for item Y. A boy is usually referred to as “he”, so for item Z, the letter C is the correct answer. Notice that to solve this kind of item you have to read the preceding or succeeding sentences of the given passage,


A young man riding a motor-cycle approached a policeman in a market place and sought his assistance in reaching a particular locality. The policeman gave him some __1__and the motor-cyclist left. He __2__back after some time and __3__the policeman that he could not __4__ the place. The policeman got the __5__to help him and agreed to __6__with the motor-cyclist. On reaching the __7__the motor-cyclist left in a hurry leaving the policeman on the road. The policeman was surprised and returned to his spot. A little later, a senior police officer reached the place and took the policeman to task for dereliction of duty.

1. A. instructions
B. directions
C. advise

2. A. reached
B. came
C. went

3. A. asked
B. convinced
C. told

4. A. find
B. hit
C. see

5. A. idea
B. inclination
C. urge

6. A. start
B. go
C. proceed

7. A. station
B. destination
C. spot


Picasso is considered by many as the greatest painter of the modern age. There are stories at legends about him. Once, on a beach in Southern France, a little boy, obviously sent by his parents, approached Picasso __8__a sheet of paper and begged for a small autographed drawing. Picasso __9__for a moment, then tore up the paper, took __10__colour crayons, drew designs on the boy’s chest __11__neck and signed his ‘work’ and sent the youngest __12__to his parents.

8. A. with
B. by
C. on

9. A. painted
B. thought
C. stood

10. A. back
B. some
C. aside

11. A. near
B. and
C. to

12. A. after
B. again
C. back


Directions (Qs. 13 to 18): Each of the items in this section has a sentence with a blank space and four words given after the sentence. Select whichever word you consider most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your choice on the Answer-sheet.

13. An accomplice is a partner in………… .

A. business
B. crime
C. construction
D. gambling

14. A person who pretends to be what he is not is called an ………… .

A. imbiber
B. impresario
C. imitator
D. imposter

15. His ………. nature would not let him leave his office before 5 p.m.

A. honest
B. selfish
C. unscrupulous
D. conscientious

16. The Committee’s appeal to the people for money ………. little response.

A. evoked
B. provided
C. provoked
D. prevented

17. Too many skyscrapers ……….. the view along the beach.

A. reveal
B. obstruct
C. make
D. clear

18. Though he has several interim plants, his …….... aim is to become a billionaire.

A. absolute
B. determined
C. only
D. ultimate


Directions (Qs. 19 to 27) : In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first and sixth sentences are given in the beginning as SI and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your answer accordingly on the Answer-sheet.

19. S1 : Ronald Ross was born in Almora, in the Himalayas in 1857.
S6 : Manson directed him to an effective study of the disease and with his help, Ross solved the mystery in three years.

P : He began to feel that he ought to try to do something about it.
Q : He was educated in England and returned to India as an officer in the Indian Medical Service.
R : He started to study malaria and during a vacation to England, met Patrick Manson and studied tropical diseases under him.
S : His medical conscience was stirred by the appalling disease and misery with which he was surrounded in the course of his work.

The proper sequence should be


20. S1 : Science has turned the world into one unit.
S6 : Practically every part of the world has friendly or hostile relationship with every other part.

P : Nowadays such pleasing illusions are impossible to have.
Q : Since that time they have been coming closer to each other.
R : Before the 16th century, America and the Far East were almost unrelated to Europe.
S : Augustus in Rome an Han Emperor in China simultaneously imagined them-selves masters of the word.

The proper sequence should be


21. S1 : Plants need carbon for building the tissue of their bodied.
S6 : Thus through a complex process called photosynthesis, plants receive their requirements from soil and Sun.

P : The breaking up of carbon dioxide into its components requires energy, which they derive from the Sun.
Q : Plants’ other needs of nutrients are derived from the soil and water through their roots.
R : They derive this carbon dioxide, absorb the carbon and discharge oxygen into the air for animals to breathe.

The proper sequence should be


22. S1 : I searched for my friend all day.
S6 : When I woke up the Sun was already above the horizon.

P : Although I was weary and hungry, I was not discouraged.
Q : I crept in and lay on the ground with my bag for a pillow.
R : When midnight came I felt that I could not walk much further.
S : At last I came to a place where the pavement was raised and had a hollow underneath.

The proper sequence should be


23. S1 : While on a fishing trip last summer, I watched an elderly man fishing off the edge of a dock.
S6 : Cheerfully, the old man replied, “Small frying pan”.

P : “Why didn’t you keep the other big ones?” I asked.
Q : He caught an enormous trout, but apparently not satisfied with its size, he threw it back into the water.
R : He finally caught a small pike, threw it into his pail, and smiling happily prepared to leave
S : Amazed, I watched him repeat this performance.

The proper sequence should be


24. S1 : Mr. Johnson looked at his watch.
S6 : He always says to his friend at the office: ‘It is nice to have breakfast in the morning, but it is nicer to lie in bed.’

P : He was late as usual, so he did not have time for breakfast.
Q : Then he washed and dressed.
R : He ran all the way to the station and he arrived there just in time for the train.
S : It was half past seven and he got out of bed quickly.

The proper sequence should be


25. S1 : The essence of democracy is the active participation of the people in government affairs.
S6 : By and large it is actual practice of our way of life.

P : When the people are active watchmen and participants, we have that fertile soil in which democracy flourishes.
Q : Our democracy is founded upon a faith in the overall judgement of the people as a whole.
R : When the people do not participate, the spirit of democracy dies.
S : When the people are honestly and clearly informed, their commonsense can be relied upon to carry the nation safely through any crisis.

The proper sequence be


26. S1 : Always remember that regular and frequent practice is essential if you are to learn to write well.
S6 : If you keep your eyes and ears open, you will find plenty of things to write about.

P : Even with the most famous writers, inspiration is rare.
Q : Writing is ninety nine per cent hard work and one per cent inspiration, so t he sooner you get in into the habit of writing, the better.
R : It is no good waiting until you have an inspiration before you write.
S : You learn to write by writing.

The proper sequence should be


27. S1 : Human ways of life have steadily changed.
S6 : During the last few years charge has been even more rapid than usual.

P : From that to this, civilization has always been changing.
Q : About ten thousand years ago, man lived entirely by hunting.
R : Ancient Egypt – Greece- The Roman Empire – the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages – The Renaissance – the age of modern science and of modern nations – one has never stood still.
S : A settles civilized life began only when agriculture was discovered.

The proper sequence should be



Directions (Qs. 28 to 47) : Look at the underlined part of each sentences. Below each sentence, three possible situations for the underlined part one given. If one of them A, B or C is better that the underlined part, indicate your response on the Answer-sheet against the corresponding letter A, B or C. If none of these substitutions improve the sentences, indicate D as your response on the Answer-sheet. Thus a “No Improvement” response will be signified by the letter D.

28. She told the children not to stop the word.

A. not stopping
B. don’t stop
C. not stopping of
D. No improvement

29. I am not telling that you should hunt out people to pursue your policies.

A. asking
B. saying
C. speaking
D. No improvement

30. He succeeded by dint of hard work.

A. by means of
B. by doing
C. by virtue of
D. No improvement

31. You have read that book for ages.

A. Have been reading
B. had read
C. will be reading
D. No improvement

32. The only bit of relief for the victims has been the increase in compensation.

A. were
B. have been
C. was that they were given
D. No improvement

33. He is resembling his father.

A. has been resembling
B. resembles like
C. resembles
D. No improvement

34. I am not sure why she is wanting to see him.

A. she wants
B. does she want
C. is she wanting
D. No improvements

35. Everybody who finished writing can go home.

A. had finished
B. have finished
C. has finished
D. No improvement

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Study Material for IAS (UPSC) General Studies Pre. Cum Mains 2018-2019

36. I wish I can sing as well as you do.

A. do
B. could
C. did
D. No improvement

37. It has been two years since I have seen him last.

A. when I have seen him
B. since I had seen him
C. since I saw him
D. No improvement

38. My neighbor is having two cars.

A. is owning
B. has
C. is possessing
D. No improvement

39. His flute recitation was highly appreciated.

A. flute recital
B. flute play
C. flute singing
D. No improvement

40. She must try at making him understand.

A. to make him to understand
B. to make him understand
C. to make his understanding
D. No improvement

41. These are your new shoe, aren’t they?

A. isn’t it?
B. is it so?
C. are they?
D. No improvement

42. He told to us every thing he knew.

A. us everything he knew
B. us everything he is knowing
C. us everything he was knowing
D. No improvement

43. Unless you do not work hard, you won’t succeed in life.

A. cannot work hard
B. will not work hard
C. work hard
D. No improvement

44. As I am tired, I cannot be able to climb this hill now.

A. can be able
B. will not be able
C. will not be possible
D. No improvement

45. I should not spend money for luxuries.

A. on luxuries
B. in luxuries
C. through luxuries
D. No improvement

46. On being asked by the judge if he had murdered his wife the accused denied the charge.

A. refused
B. rebutted
C. contradicted
D. No improvement

47. The new headmaster affected many changes in the school.

A. injected
B. effected
C. inflicted
D. No improvement


Directions (Qs. 48 to 65 ): In this section, there are six short passages. Each passage is followed by questions based on the passage. Read each passage and answer the questions that follow.


Galileo desired to use his telescope to make more discoveries in the heavens, but his instrument was too small. He made another and larger telescope which magnified eight times, and then another which magnified thirty times, and pointed it at the moon. His heart leaped with joy, for he saw what no human eye had over before seen – ranges of mountains, deep hollows, and broad plains and found they appeared with disks like the moon at a quarter full. He turned it on the Milky Way, and beheld innumerable tiny stars.

48. Galileo made several telescopes because

A. he needed all of them to explore the heavens
B. he wanted to compare the findings obtained from different telescopes
C. the earlier ones he made were not powerful enough
D. only some of them could magnify the stars

49. When Galileo saw what no human eye had ever before seen he

A. was overjoyed
B. was shocked
C. felt humble
D. was very proud


My father was passionate about two things: education and socialism. He was himself a born teacher. Indeed, he could never restrain himself from teaching, and as a small boy I was frequently embarrassed by his desire to instruct everybody—people in railway carriages, for instance — though I realized even then that it was an innocent desire. quite free from vanity. He was equally ready to receive instruction. Education, to men of his generation and temperament, was something it has largely ceased to be nowadays. It was the great golden gateway to the enchanted realms of the mind.

50. The author wants us to know that his father

A. was a school teacher
B. was an educationist and socialist
C. used to travel a lot
D. loved teaching

51. The author often felt embarrassed by the behaviour of his father because

A. he taught badly
B. he taught even at odd places
C. he wanted to show off his learning
D. he lost self-control while teaching

52. To the generation of the writer’s father, education was

A. an old fashioned enterprise
B. the result of good teaching
C. an exploration of the world of imagination
D. one aspect of socialism

53. From the passage it is clear that the author

A. loved and admired his father
B. disapproved the father’s love of teaching
C. thought of him as vain
D. considered his father’s education inadequate


We started looking on the ground for blood, hair, or a drag mark that would lead us to the deer killed the tiger. We had proceeded a hundred yards, examining every foot of the ground, and going dead slow, when Mothi, just as I turned my head to look at him, started backwards, screaming as he did so. Then he whipped round and ran for dear life, beating the air with his hands as if warding off a swarm o bees and continuing to scream of a human being in a jungle where a moment before all has been silent is terrifying to hear. Instinctively I knew what had happened. With his eyes fixed on the ground, looking for the blood or hair of the kill, Mothi had failed to see where he was going, and had walked towards the tiger.

54. Mothi and the narrator were scanning the ground because

A. they were looking for the tiger
B. the forest was full of unpleasant surprises
C. they were trying to discover the tiger’s footprints
D. they were looking for marks left by the tiger’s prey

55. Mothi began to scream when he

A. was attacked by a swarm of bees
B. was frightened by the sight of blood
C. came face-to-face with the tiger
D. stumbled on the tiger

56. In the context of the passage ‘kill’ means

A. the act of killing
B. an animal being killed by the tiger
C. a human being killed by the tiger
D. a wounded tiger

57. Before Mothi screamed, the jungle was

A. quiet
B. dark
C. noisy
D. terrifying


When Ibbotson returned from Pauri, I told him of the leopard’s habit of going down the road between Rudraprayag and Golabari on an average once in every five days. I convinced him that the only hope I now had of shooting the man-eater was by sitting over the road for ten nights: for, the leopard would be almost certain to use the road at least once during the period. Ibbotson agreed to my reluctantly, for I had already sat up many nights and he was afraid that another ten nights on end would be too much for me.

58. Ibbotson was reluctant to agree to the narrator’s plan because he was afraid that

A. the leopard would kill him
B. the narrator would become very tired
C. the narrator would kill the leopard
D. the leopard might not come

59. The narrator wanted to

A. shoot the leopard
B. see the leopard
C. capture the leopard
D. frighten the leopard


Many poor farmers had been compelled to take up indigo cultivation when the British settlers were given the right to purchase and cultivate land in India. Many whites, therefore, either acquired land or advanced loans to poor farmers and pressurised them to forsake the farming of food-grains and other cash crops for indigo cultivation. Indigo export to Europe was lucrative for the business. Within a few years, most of the fertile lands had undergone forcible indigo cultivation, resulting in a famine situation in Bengal. When the farmers declined to cultivate indigo, they were tortured, jailed and even killed.

60. The poor farmers in Bengal took up indigo cultivation because

A. the government encouraged them to do so
B. it was a money earning crop
C. they were forced to do so
D. this was the only crop that would grow in that region

61. British settlers bought land in Bengal in order in

A. introduce cultivation of cash crops in India
B. cultivate indigo
C. settle down in India
D. promote export business in Bengal

62. Indigo export was profitable for the British settlers because

A. they had no competitors
B. the crop yield was good
C. they could oppress the farmers
D. the labour was cheap


The first day out we met our first rhino, two of them, and I had the fright of my life. The pair had got our scent before we spotted them, and being bad tempered beasts, they rushed towards where they thought we were. Now it just happened that we were about fifty yards to one side of where they expected to find us—which was just a well, for I must say I did not like their look. As they thundered past, we crouched low and let them go. It did not strike me as a good opportunity for rhino photography. Anyhow I was much too frightened to have been able to hold the camera steady.

63. From the above passage it appears that rhinos

A. run away when they see human beings
B. rush to attack when they smell human scent
C. hide under the bushed at the sight of human beings
D. stand still if they are not attacked

64. When the author saw a rhino for the first time.

A. excited
B. frightened
C. charmed
D. surprised

65. The author could not take the photographs of the rhinos because

A. he was too far away from rhinos
B. he was not carrying a good camera
C. it did not occur to him that he had a chance to do so
D. he did not like the look of rhinos


Directions (Qs. 66 to 80) : In each of these items a word or a phrase has been underlined followed by words or phrases listed A, B, C and D. Choose the most appropriate word/phrase closes in meaning to the underlined word of phrase and mark your Answer-sheet accordingly.

66. He disdained to notice the insult.

A. was very proud
B. refused
C. was unhappy
D. was too reluctant

67. He gave an evocative rendering of his recent poems.

A. thrilling
B. enchanting
C. emotional
D. incantatory

68. Expeditious steps should be taken to complete the work in two weeks.

A. unmerciful
B. strict and forceful
C. disciplinary
D. prompt and efficient

69. Why did you make that flippant remark ?

A. highly critical
B. not showing deserved respect
C. casual
D. indifferent

70. That is not an occasion to make an impromptu speech.

A. without preparation
B. thoughtless
C. improper
D. long and boring

71. The weavers have to do monotonous work.

A. autonomous
B. irksome
C. exhausting
D. repetitive

72. There is not a single word that is redundant in the report.

A. unimportant
B. not needed
C. bombastic
D. flowery

73. The country’s economy is beginning to look up now.

A. look clear
B. go down
C. remain static
D. improve

74. The old man shows no signs of infirmity ever though he is eighty years old.

A. lack of firmness
B. feebleness
C. fickleness
D. indolence

75. It needs an expert to decipher the secret message sent to the Army Officers during war time.

A. swindle
B. decode
C. make up
D. defy

76. Bana in Sanskrit, Lyly in English and Prasad in Hindi are celebrated for their florid style.

A. ornate
B. rich
C. refined
D. rambling

77. My brother’s zest for the new project was infectious.

A. greed
B. enthusiasm
C. attraction
D. fascination

78. The eyewitness testimony was incontrovertible.

A. disputable
B. debatable
C. unacceptable
D. unquestionable

79. His forthright behavior shows that he is honest but he seems rude to some people.

A. courteous
B. straightforward
C. tactful
D. correct

80. The minister’s special was comprehensive and was greatly appreciated.

A. praiseworthy
B. full of fine word
C. covering all aspects
D. understandable


Directions (Qs. 81 to 93) : Each of the following items in this section consists of a sentence, the parts of which have been jumbled. These parts have been labelled P, Q, R and S. Given below each sentence are four sequences namely A, B, C and D. You are required to r e-arrange the jumbled parts of the sentence and select the proper sequence and mark in your Answer-sheet accordingly.

81. It was true that pet dog/(P) would never sleep anywhere/(Q) we once had/(R) except an sofa/(S)

The proper sequence should be


82. Recently, containing memorable letters of Churchill/(P) a book/(Q) has been published/(R) by a reputed/(S)

The proper sequence should be


83. As the situation has changed, since we last discussed this matter/(P) it was best to contact you/(Q) it appeared to me/(R) without losing time/(S)

The proper sequence should be


84. After the awarding speeches the prizes given/(P) and/(Q) had been delivered/(R) I got up to address the gathering/(S)

The proper sequence should be


85. The management having agreed/(P) the workers called off the strike/(Q) to increase their wages/(R) and returned to work/(S)

The proper sequence should be


86. All religions are to advance the cause peace/(P) in a holy partnership/(Q) justice and freedom/(R) bound together/(S)

The proper sequence should be


87. T he natives of Caribbean regarded the papaya/(P) because of its ability/(Q) as a magic tree/(R) to keep them healthy/(S)

The proper sequence should be


88. The Indian woman wants in a male dominated society/(P) as an equal partner/(Q) and it is not too much to demand/(R) her rightful place/(S)

The proper sequence should be


89. This is a letter by a young lady/(P) who was lately wounded in a duel/(Q) written passionately/(R) wherein she laments the misfortune of a gentleman/(S)

The proper sequence should be


90. It is for a man/(P) when he accompanies a lady/(Q) and accepted custom/(R) to open the door/(S)

The proper sequence should be


91. We agreed with/(P) the manner in which you said it/(Q) but we objected to/(R) what you said/(S)

The proper sequence should be


92. It is a wonder that migratory birds/(P) without ever getting lost/(Q) always manage to find their home/(R) flying thousands of kilometers/(S)

The proper sequence should be


93. He asked me would telephone him/(P) as soon as I/(Q) if I/(R) reach home/(S)

The proper sequence should be



Directions (Qs. 94 to 105) : In each of these items a word has been underlined followed by words listed A, B, C and D. Choose the appropriate word most opposite in meaning to the underlined word and mark your Answer-sheet accordingly.

94. His partners felt it was a viable business proposition.

A. enviable
B. unenviable
C. inviolable
D. impracticable

95. The usual adulation of officers must end.

A. back-biting
B. condemnation
C. flattery
D. praise

96. There is an obscure cave on the other side of the hill.

A. well-known
B. infamous
C. notorious
D. admired

97. Her impetuous behavior was attributed to her upbringing.

A. rash
B. poised
C. sluggish
D. aggressive

98. All these measures will augment employment.

A. diminish
B. circumscribe
C. restrain
D. constrain

99. The two friends were distinct in everything; dress, manners, hair-style and food-habits.

A. opposite
B. different
C. uniform
D. similar

100. The man at the gate had a forbidding appearance.

A. handsome
B. lenient
C. filthy
D. mild

101. The is a trivial matter.

A. important
B. small
C. easy
D. difficult

102. Everybody called it a lavish party.

A. big
B. wasteful
C. frugal
D. expensive

103. Popular fiction in a sense has enriched world literature.

A. devalued
B. undervalued
C. depreciated
D. impoverished

104. Her manner has always been hostile to him.

A. sincere
B. friendly
C. fair
D. good

105. The speaker was irritated with his puerile questions.

A. impertinent
B. serious
C. inane
D. irrelevant


Directions (Qs. 106 to 120) : Each question in this section has a sentence with three obliquid parts labelled A, B and C. Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any obliquid part and indicate your answer in the Answer-sheet against the corresponding letter i.e., A or B or C. If you find no error, your answer should be indicated as D.

106. I should do/(A) the same (B) if I were in your place/(C). No error/(D).

107. He has been suffering/(A) with fever/(B) for the last six weeks/(C). No error/(D).

108. The examination begins/(A) from Monday/(B) next week/(C). No error/(D).

109. My father says/(A) that one should always be sincere/(B) to his duties/(C).No error/(D).

110. There has been/(A) a number of railway accidents/(B) during the last month/(C). No error/(D).

111. In spite of all efforts to eradicate malaria/(A) it still prevalent/(B) in many parts of India/(C). No error/(D).

112. It is only three days ago/(A) that/(B) he has arrived/(C). No error/(D).

113. He has lost/(A) all what/(B) I gave him/(C). No error/(D).

114. I have/(A) no news from him/(B) for a long time/(C). No error/(D).

115. Mahatma Gandhi’s entire life/(A) was one unrelenting experiment/(B) on truth/(C). No error/(D).

116. As the thieves ran out of the bank/(A) they got into the gateway car/(B) which was waiting its engine running/(C). No error/(D).

117. He denied that he had not stolen my purse,/(A) though I was quite sure/(B) that he had/(C). No error/(D).

118. The media of films has been accepted by all/(A) as the most powerful force/(B) that influences the younger generation/(C). No error/(D).

119. The French Embassy employers him/(A) regularly/(B) as he knows to speak French/(C). No error/(D).

120. How is it that neither your friend Mahesh/(A) nor his brother Ramesh/(B) have protested against this injustice?/(C) No error/(D).


1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (B) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (B) 11. (B) 12. (C) 13. (B) 14. (D) 15. (D) 16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (D) 19. (B) 20. (D) 21. (B) 22. (A) 23. (B) 24. (B) 25. (D) 26. (A) 27. (B) 28. (D) 29. (A) 30. (D) 31. (A) 32. (C) 33. (C) 34. (B) 35. (C) 36. (B) 37. (C) 38. (B) 39. (A) 40. (B) 41. (D) 42. (A) 43. (C) 44. (B) 45. (A) 46. (D) 47. (B) 48. (C) 49. (A) 50. (D) 51. (B) 52. (C) 53. (A) 54. (D) 55. (C) 56. (B) 57. (A) 58. (B) 59. (A) 60. (C) 61. (B) 62. (A) 63. (B) 64. (B) 65. (C) 66. (D) 67. (C) 68. (D) 69. (B) 70. (A) 71. (D) 72. (B) 73. (D) 74. (B) 75. (B) 76. (A) 77. (B) 78. (D) 79. (B) 80. (D) 81. (D) 82. (B) 83. (C) 84. (D) 85. (C) 86. (D) 87. (B) 88. (C) 89. (C) 90. (B) 91. (D) 92. (D) 93. (C) 94. (D) 95. (B) 96. (A) 97. (B) 98. (C) 99. (D) 100. (B) 101. (A) 102. (C) 103. (C) 104. (B) 105. (B) 106. (A) 107. (C) 108. (A) 109. (C) 110. (A) 111. (B) 112. (A) 113. (B) 114. (B) 115. (C) 116. (C) 117. (A) 118. (A) 119. (C) 120. (C)

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