(Paper) Andhra Bank Special Officers Solved Paper (Reasoning Ability)

PAPER : Andhra Bank Special Officers Solved Paper (Reasoning Ability)


51. Sangita is an IT Engineer and is working as an EDP Officer in a bank for past 5 years. She has completed 28 years of age and is willing to sign the bond of Rs. 50,000. She has obtained 65% marks in the selection test.

52. Abhijit is a Computer Engineer with 65% marks passed out in 2001 at the age of 22 years. Since then he is working as a Software Engineer, in a private firm. He is willing to sign the bond for the required amount. He has secured 63% marks in selection test.

53. Giridhar is working as a Soft-ware Engineer in a reputed com-pany for past 4 years after com-pleting Computer Engineering with 68% marks. He has cleared the selection test with 75% marks and is willing to sign the bond. His date of birth is December 17, 1978.

54. Nikita has just completed 26 years of age. She has passed IT Engineering examination in 2002 with 66% marks and is working as a Sr. Programmer since then. She has no problem in signing the bond of Rs. 50,000. She has secured 53% marks in selection test.

55. Mr. Rajan is working as a Programmer for the last 6 years in an engineering firm after pas-sing engineering examination. He has passed Electronics Engi-neering with 76% marks. His date of birth is 16.05.78. He has cleared the selection test with 62% marks and is willing to sign the bond for Rs. 50,000.

Directions—(Q. 56–60) Study the following information to answer these questions.
Seven Professors A, B, C, D, E, F and G are engaged in evaluation of answer papers in three different subjects English, Mathematics and History. At least two persons evaluate the papers in each subject. Each of the evaluators stay in different buildings P, Q, R, S, T, V & W not necessarily in the same order. A evaluates English papers only with E and stays in building R. D stays in building W and does not evaluate Maths papers. The one who stays in building V evaluates History papers. B and C do not evaluate the papers in the same subject. Those who evaluate English papers do not stay in building Q. F stays in building P but does not evaluate History papers. G evaluates same papers as F. C stays in building T.

56. Who stays in building V ?
(A) E (B) F
(C) G (D) B
(E) None of these

57. Which of the following combina-tions of subject, person and buildings is definitely correct ?
(A) Maths F–Q
(B) Maths G–Q
(C) History D–T
(D) History E–S
(E) None of these

58. Which of the following groups of persons evaluate the Mathema-tics paper ?
(A) CF (B) EFG
(C) CFG (D) FG
(E) None of these
59. Papers in which subject are evaluated by D ?
(A) History
(B) Maths
(C) English
(D) English or Mathematics
(E) History or Mathematics
60. E stays in which building ?
(A) P
(B) Q
(C) T
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these

Directions—(Q. 61–65) In each question given below, use the follow-ing notations—
‘A ] B’ means ‘Add A to B’, ‘A I B’ means ‘Subtract B from A’, ‘A $ B’ means ‘Multiply A by B’, and ‘A @ B’ means ‘Divide A by B’.

61. Profit percentage is computed by using the following method. Cost Price (C) is subtracted from the Sale Price (S) and the difference is multiplied by 100 and the product is then divided by Cost Price (C).Which of the following expres-sions indicates the profit percen-tage ?
(A) (CIS) $ 100 @ C
(B) (SIC) $ 100 @ C
(C) (SIC) @ 100 @ C
(D) CIS $ 100 ] C
(E) None of these

62. IQ is worked out by dividing mental age (MA) of a person by his chronological age (CA) and the quotient so obtained is multiplied by 100. Which of the following expressions
indicates the IQ of a person ?
(A) MA $ 100 @ CA
(B) MA $ CA @ 100
(C) CA $ MA ] 100
(D) MA $ CAI 100
(E) None of these

63. The percentage increase in pro-duction in a particular year over that of its previous year is com-puted by dividing the difference between production of the two years (P1 and P2) by the pro-duction in the previous year (P1), and multiplying the quotient so obtained by 100. Which of the following expressions indicate the percentage increase in pro-duction in the particular year over its previous year ?
(A) P2 I P1 @ 100 $ P1
(B) P1 I P2 $ P1 @ 100
(C) (P2 I P1) @ P1 @ 100
(D) P2 I P1 $ P1 @ 100
(E) None of these

64. The average salary of the Mana-gers is computed by the follow-ing method—
(i) The average salary (A) is multiplied by the Grand Number (GN),
(ii) The average salary of other employees (AE) is multi-plied by number of emplo-yees (N),
(iii) (ii) is subtracted from (i), and
(iv) The difference so obtained is divided by the number of Managers (NM).
Which of the following expres-sions indicates the average salary of the Managers ?
(A) A $ GN I (AE $ N @ NM)
(B) A $ GN ] (AE $ N @ NM)
(C) GN I AE @ N @ NM
(D) (GN $ A I AE $ N) @ NM
(E) None of these

65. For earthquake relief fund, each employee of a company had con-tributed an amount equal to the total number of employees (N) in the company. To this amount was added the contribution made by 10 Directors, each of whom had paid Rs. 100 more than what each employee had paid. Which of the following expressions indi-cate the total contribution made by the company ?
(A) N ] N $ 10 @ (N ] 100)
(B) N $ N ] 10 $ (100 ] N)
(C) N $ N @ 10 $ (N I 100)
(D) N $ N ] 10 $ (100 $ N)
(E) None of these

Directions—(Q. 66–68) Study the following information carefully to answer these questions—
Seven executives A, B, C, D, E, F and G from a company have to visit seven different places Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Jaipur to market their newly launched product. The order of persons and cities may not be necessarily the same. Each one flies by a different airline Spicejet, King-fisher, Sahara, Jet, Air Deccan, Indian Airlines, Air India, not necessary in the same order. C goes to Kolkata but not by Sahara or Jet Airlines. D flies by Air India to Bangalore. The one who goes to Jaipur does not travel by Air Deccan or Sahara. E travels by Air Deccan. A does not go to Ahmeda-bad. F travels to Hyderabad by Spice jet. B goes to Chennai by Kingfisher. E does not go to Ahmedabad. G does not go to Jaipur.

66. Who travels by Sahara Airlines ?
(A) A
(B) C
(C) G
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these

67. Who goes to Jaipur ?
(A) A (B) E
(C) G (D) D
(E) None of these

68. The one who travels by Air Deccan, visits which place ?
(A) Ahmedabad
(B) Delhi
(C) Chennai
(D) Bangalore
(E) None of these

Directions—(Q. 69–75) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions—
A word and number arrange-ment machine when given an input line of words and numbers rear-ranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrange-ment—
Input day case 20 13 now for 49 56
Step I 13 day case 20 now for 49 56
Step II 13 now day case 20 for 49 56
Step III 13 now 20 day case for 49 56
Step IV 13 now 20 for day case 49 56
Step V 13 now 20 for 49 day case 56
Step VI 13 now 20 for 49 day 56 case
and Step VI is the last step As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate Step for the given input.

69. Input : yes 21 far 32 17 12 wide goal Which of the following will be Step V of the above input ?
(A) 12 yes 21 wide 32 far 17 goal
(B) 12 yes 21 wide far 32 17 goal
(C) 12 yes 21 far 32 17 wide goal
(D) There will be no such step
(E) None of these

70. Step IV of an input is : 17 hotel 29 father 83 76 door eye. Which of the following will be Step VII ?
(A) 17 hotel 29 father 76 door 83 age
(B) 17 hotel 29 father 76 age 83 door
(C) 17 hotel 29 father 76 83 door age
(D) There will be no such step
(E) None of these

71. Step III of an input is : 25 win 32 85 73 tax break home. How many more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement ?
(A) Five (B) Four
(C) Six (D) Seven
(E) None of these

72. Step III of an input is : 37 yellow 42 61 53 violet green red. How many more steps will be requi-red to complete the rearrange-ment ?
(A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 6
(E) None of these

73. Input : can you go there 22 36 13 46.
How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement ?
(A) 7 (B) 8
(C) 6 (D) 5
(E) None of these

74. Input : 42 36 go and come back 20 15
Which of the following steps will be the last but one ?
(A) IV (B) V
(E) None of these

75. Step II of an input is : 39 sure 72 63 height over 42 lamp. Which of the following is definitely the input ?
(A) height 39 sure 72 63 over 42 lamp
(B) 72 63 39 sure height over 42 lamp
(C) 63 39 sure 72 height over 42 lamp
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these

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